Since version 1.6 Sends binary payload to the client (would work for downloading) For displaying a video on a frontend use the stream() method
Since 1.8 Ends the response
Since version 1.7 Acts as server sent event source Use this for serving things like music or videos e.g. for a web browser
A headers object for additional headers
Since 1.8 If the response was ended this will return true
Writes json representation of the given object to the response, but don't closes the stream
Since version 1.5.1 you will use this to respond. You are now able to put in an promise (that you e.g. get from some database services) and can respond with it. On error it will respond with an error object that put the promise rejection reason as message
Ends the response
Sets a specific http response header
Sets the http status code
Since version 1.6 Takes a file stream and pipes the response Use this for serving things like music or videos e.g. for a web browser
Writes a string to the response, but don't closes the stream
Set the whole http header at once ( node.http.ServerResponse.writeHead() )
A simple facade for the node http ServerResponse